Saturday, September 26, 2020

Perfect Timing

 This beautiful gift came today from my Aunt Jamie. Just on the right day. It was one of those mornings. One that feels heavy. I woke up tired emotionally and physically...and I just felt sad. An overwhelming feeling of sadness that literally is painful in your chest. The bracelet is 100% accurate. A piece of my heart is in heaven. I will slowly work on healing my shattered heart by finding ways to spread peace and love in honor of Manny. That is my life's ambition. To be a good person, raise good people, and continuingly find the good in others. 


  1. Aunt Jamie loved Manny so much!

  2. Candace, my dear niece. I hope this bracelet will somehow bring you some sort of comfort.
    I love you so much- Auntie Jamie xoxo
