Sunday, September 27, 2020

If You're Bored Than You're Boring

This was our last vacation together as a complete family. I will get into those memories in a later post. It's too painful to reflect on right now. I did, however, want to post this short video that I captured last summer. It really shows how Manny adored his nephew. I am not quite sure what game they were playing, other than the obvious of him rocking him like crazy in a hammock. I am guessing it consisted of some elaborately creative imaginative situation. He made the most simple parts of life enjoyable. He was never bored...anyone who spent time with him knew that he could take a mundane moment and make it picture or video worthy. I hope my boys continue to keep that sparkle and wonder that they have been gifted from Manny and enjoy the everyday moments of life the way he did. 

1 comment:

  1. We had some wonderful vacations...thank God for showing us how to take time for each other! Memories is all we have now!
