Monday, September 21, 2020

Missing Sunday Funday


Monday’s are hard.

I now have a whole new meaning to the "Monday Blues."  It’s one more weekend down without my brother. It’s that painful realization that we didn’t see Manny for our weekly Sunday dinner. I didn’t get the opportunity to dangle our feet in the pool watching the boys swim or my favorite... watching Manny chase and play with Charlie. One of my fondest memories was to watch Manny give Charlie a "Roller Coaster Ride." This consisted of Charlie sitting in one of those Little Tikes swings and Manny dragging him through the grass with it, lifting him into the air and spinning him around. To see the smile on both of their faces during this game was absolutely priceless!

Oh, how I miss the the one thing that drove me nuts about my brother...his chewing! What I wouldn’t give to be sitting next to him enjoying a Sunday meal listening to him chew. Sounds weird, I know. I never knew I would miss that so much.

Manny was our garbage disposal. I can vividly remember him standing by the kitchen island testing all the food and being overly complimentary of everything he tasted...even my mom's cooking. We would send him home with loads of left overs and he always said, "Sweet, thanks guys!"

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