Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Teacher Life 2020


Well....teaching looks slightly different this year. As stressful as COVID has been,  teaching from home has provided me with some much needed quality time with my family. Especially with the loss of my brother. I am not saying that teaching fourth graders on Zoom has been easy, but it has allowed me the opportunity during my breaks to get some snuggles from these two bundles of joy. I have had to get imaginatively creative with finding space in my home that muffles out the Garrett household noise. The giggles, the barking, the fussing, the "shows" Charlie performs in front on an imaginary audience (Monster Jam, Mask Singer, Football- with lots of flags and penalties). Although it is almost time to return to school, these moments of adjustment that we have had to encounter have helped make my family stronger. I now, more than ever, have realized the things and people that matter to me and my happiness most.

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