Thursday, October 1, 2020

My Moonbeams

I never realized the power and energy of the moon. I guess I didn't take the time to pay attention to it. I always recognized the beauty but was too “busy” to experience it.  It wasn’t until a couple of days after my brother’s passing that I stood outside....alone, staring at the moon. It was transforming. I highly recommend getting your “moonbeams” when you get the opportunity. Stand (or sit) alone, stare at the moon with your arms open at your side and challenge yourself to be vulnerable and to feel the energy, to really feel.  To put your ego aside and be present (no matter how silly it feels) and appreciative of the moment and of one of God’s greatest creations. It’s empowering and makes me feel so connected to my brother’s energy. I love me some moonbeams and want to spread awareness to the serenity of the moon.

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