Sunday, November 29, 2020

Relax....Loosen Up

I don’t know who else needs to hear this besides me but, “relax...loosen up.” One of the many things I have learned through my brother's passing is not to take life too seriously. This was such a fun moment with my brother when we were working on our pores, and I remember my mom snapping this photo. I begged her not to tag me in on the post because of the way I looked. She didn't tag me but she did post it...and I am so glad she did. Look at our smiles! Life is too short to worry about the filters. Embracing life through the memory of Manny and reminding myself to continue working on my inner smile. 

1 comment:

  1. so much love to you. Both of your eyes and smiles melt my heart with the warmth. Manny definitely had an inner & outward smile & this picture is a great reminder. God I miss him so much. I just stare at his eyes.
