Saturday, November 28, 2020

Important Interactions



My mom had a really insightful comment yesterday and I do not even think she truly grasped the deepness in which her comment landed. We were talking a couple days ago about my relationship with Manny, about how hard I was on him. There would be things he would tell my mom and make sure that she didn't tell me. In fear of disappointing me. I was hard on Manny and most importantly Manny was hard on himself. I was never the "fun" sister. I was, like I have said before, the second mom. I took my job as an older sister very seriously from the get go. Being a total and complete tattle tale on both of my brother's antics. It wasn't to be the whiny older sister though. It was because I cared. I am a very passionate person. I always have been. I love hard and I am devoted to my family and making sure that they strive to reach their full potential. 

 After that conversation with my mom, I started to have some regrets on my relationship with my brother. Was I too hard on him? Did he know how proud I was of him? Did he know that there was never a problem that he would encounter that I wouldn't be there to help him fix? Did he know I was never disappointed in him? Did he know that his mistakes were nothing more than anyone else in our family has faced? After bringing this back up again with my mom, she said, "That is the way you were meant to be with Manny. If you would have been any other way you would have regretted that." Wow. She is completely right. If I would have been the "fun" sister, I would have always wondered if my lax behavior didn't help my brothers to become the best version of themselves.  

I always knew that are our relationships and connections that we have in life are meant to be. After my moms comment, I realized how much our own behavior toward others are meant to be. The way we treat others has more of an impact than we realize. We may never know why God places people into our life the way he does but we have to trust that it isn't by coincidence.

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