Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Moments That Were Not Pictured

 You never know when your moment is going to change into a moment of deep sadness. When your thoughts will change to tears. Tears that are uncontrollable, for the lack of better words, "ugly cry." I cannot imagine that I am the only one that feels this way while grieving the loss of a loved one. These pictures below were posted in the particular order in which they were taken. I wanted to be completely candid and aware/appreciative of the ordinary moments. The moments that I am so grateful to have pictures of. Even though the moments might not be the most flattering of me, they are me, they are my life, my beautiful life. 

I was surrounded by such sadness today when I thought of the pictures that I had with my brother. Particularly the three of us (Jimmy, Manny, and me).  I couldn't help but feel guilt, guilt for not taking as many pictures as I could. Little did I know that those memories would be what I hold onto so dearly today. I started to go into a dark place this afternoon. While reflecting on my lack of picture taking with my brother,  I couldn't help but feel this overwhelming sense to not focus on the photos so much as the memories. I hope that is true. I am just so afraid of forgetting such precious moments with my brother. Lesson to all, take the pictures.

 No...I don't know if that advice is right. I feel a strong pull to just be in the moment. To not always be the one taking the pictures, to take a step back and enjoy the moment.

There are so many amazing moments that I had with my brother that were never pictured and I have to believe that that's okay. As long as I don't forget them as the years pass. Lord, Manny, friends, and family, I call on your help to keep Manny's memory alive and to help us all remember those irreplaceable moments. The moments that were not pictured.



  2. Last night after everyone had left (it was my first year ever hosting Thanksgiving), I realized not one of us took a single picture. I actually felt sick over it. I had the horrible thought of how we never know if it's our last holiday with an intact family. But then I thought of why that was. We were so in the moment and enjoying each other's company that no one thought to capture it or even use their phone. No one was thinking about Facebook or showing anyone else.

    And those are the moments that stay with you. The ones where your full attention is on the moment and the people or person you're with.

  3. Stephanie you are absolutely right! Thank you :)
