Sunday, November 8, 2020

My Mantra

 Do you believe in the above statement?  I am not sure how I feel about it. But for some reason my mantra this week has been strength. I can't help but starting to notice myself becoming physically strong as a result of my daily yoga practice. Since my Sedona trip in August, I have not missed a day of my morning yoga. The beautiful thing about yoga is it also makes me feel mentally strong. Connecting and building my mind, body, and soul. Lately, I have been whispering to myself, "I am strong." It may sound silly but if you haven't whispered a positive mantra to yourself I highly recommend trying it. I am honestly not sure who or what is giving me this inner strength. But I will take it,  hold it tight, and use some as a reserve to pull from it when the feelings start to shift...and they will. I often wonder,  am I grieving properly? I worry about what type of grieving is to come. Am I still numb? Is the reality going to hit me and completely break me? I understand that everybody grieves differently and I obviously have never had a loss in this way. I am just hoping that this inner strength is not a facade, a trick I am playing on myself to escape the painful reality. I don't know. All I know right now is today I am strong.


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