Sunday, November 1, 2020

My Saving Grace


This little nugget pictured here will never truly understand how much he has been my saving grace, our saving grace. In his first year of life, we have experienced a pandemic and the devastating loss of my brother. Amidst all of that tragedy, he keeps my heart smiling...beating. His energy is so pure and welcoming. When Oliver smiles, he smiles with his entire soul and his mischievous personality is everything my family needs. He completes the Garrett household. Thank you Lord for allowing me to be his mother. Thank you for placing him into my arms at just the right moment, when you knew my world would feel like it was crashing down. Happy birthday my sweet Oliver! Thank you for putting the breath back into my lungs 


1 comment:

  1. soo beautiful worded. Not to mention, sweet Oliver's adorable face just makes my heart smile.
    LOVE you all. xoxox jp
