Monday, February 15, 2021

Finding Your Joy

What do you do when you wake up in a funk? Just not feeling it. Not happy, not sad, just "meh." You work to find your joy.

You remember what makes you happy. Start with the simple things... from the morning iced coffee, to the snuggles with my babies before yoga. I have been consciously trying to find the joy in all of the little things. My new thought process is, if I don't find joy in something than why am I doing it? Life is too short to waste it on "things", people, or activities that don't bring you joy. So, I think and I focus on all of my daily activities and actions. I continue to question myself, "What about this brings me joy?" It has completely shifted my mindset to see even the simplest joys in all things that I do. For instance, walking through the hallways at my work, I love the sounds of the kids chattering in the cafeteria. While driving to work, I love the sound of silence and the beautiful sunrise. Focusing on the joy helps me find peace and brings me comfort in the day to day experiences. My brother was so great at finding the beauty in the simplest things. That was evident in Manny's photography and even in how he would spend his days. He spent his time with the people he loved, it did not matter what they were doing. Manny surrounded himself by people and experiences that brought him joy.

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