Sunday, February 14, 2021

Spread Your Love


Happy Valentine's Day. I know it is cliché to say this but I really do not like this holiday. I have never understood it. Shouldn't you show the people you love just how much you adore them everyday? I chose this photo today because it has so much to love in it. My brother in his element, loving life. Laying on the beach, reading a book, and of course smiling. Finding love even within the mundane is a key element in living a freeing life. So buy those flowers, that gift, or even send that loving message unexpectedly to the people you care about, just because. Just because you were thinking of them in that moment. It means more than just delivering that bouquet on "Valentine's Day." Manny would send such loving texts to my mom all the time! They were out of the blue but very frequent. It was beautiful that he made her feel special and was able to clearly express his loving feelings toward her. Actually, Manny never sheltered his loving feelings toward anyone, he never contained his love to just the one day, Valentine's Day. Spread and share your love!

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