Saturday, February 27, 2021

Focusing on the Good

I do acknowledge that people tend to romanticize past experiences and relationships. When it comes to loved ones that have passed, I think this romanticizing of them is such a loving way to only focus on the good that they brought into our world. It is not discarding any pain that they may have had during their life, or even believing that they were completely perfect in all of their decisions. It's just that those pains and mistakes seem so trivial in the grand picture. I will forever choose to only focus on the beauty of my brother's life, because honestly, no other events matter or even come into my mind. I refrain from focusing too much on my brother's actual passing and choose to focus on the beautiful soul that he is and the light that he brought into our lives. I believe this focus is our loved ones way to help keep us sane in this grief stricken new way of life.

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